Jan 25Liked by Lisa Bobrow

Great article! Canadians need to see this for what it was and it was just “theatre”. They needed something in order for JT to step down and disappear. The Liberal government will gladly drag it through the appeals process,further bankrupting our already broke nation.

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Jan 25Liked by Lisa Bobrow

Justin Trudeau and his battalion-sized cabinet are just off the latest of their numerous "cabinet retreats". This time Montreal - preceded by Charlottetown and London. Nothing too good for Emperor Justinian and his Praetorian guard...and all paid for, of course, by US. Despite their standing in the polls, and the fact that J.T. is despised across much of the country, they operate like they just received a thundering majority reelection. Outside of some unexpected cataclysmic event that will completely destroy them - and him - they will carry on offering tidbits of 'reform'. Like the proposed cap on international students. Two more years, propped up by the Singh toadies. I pray that enough is left of this Humpty-Dumpty to put back together again.

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Jan 26Liked by Lisa Bobrow


fantastic! so well stated. i went to my first gtw townhall this past week. it would be great to see you there if you are a member. my brain was busting with joy. my heart filled to overflowing. good peeps for sure. my question- how, in libertarian reality, are monopolies prevented? of course, they are a form of violence, but beyond personal responsibility, how can cartel's never come into being? lots of fun to be able to talk with tony directly. rich showed up too, though had his camera off and was mostly silent. great work on this piece. it will inform what i am working on now. steve

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Fark the great turd

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hahahaha!!!! he just differentiated exoteric christianity. he almost sounds like ryan christian when on 2x.

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omg...up to 2x now and it is awesome. hilarious, he is saying exactly what i have been writing in my latest piece to a famous doctor i am communicating with. i had forgotten about nescience/ignorance. i needed that piece. so agree, i have done a lot of the work and want to scream when people say the problem is in the mirror. at times yes, but generally, no!!!!! i am really hoping he says some stuff that hooks me and i can really run with. my piece is twain-ian- denial isn't just a river in egypt... may be my first substack. considering ti...

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loving the 1st 10 minutes (actually 15 as i have it on 1.5). hilarious that he addressed so many of my issues right off the bat. i almost wonder if i saw this some years ago, seems familiar. bread crumbs, or is that tea leaves, say keep following. so, gurdjiefian in so many ways, what he has said so far. i am wondering if he will be mentioned. so few know him. one of the best stories was about him throwing crowley out when he visited the one time potentially asking how to get off heroin/opiates. no one had ever seen g. so angry apparently. good i got gtw, thw and corbett out of the way.

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i am not disagreeing that mind-control is a major root of it and have been aware of this for many years. i can barely give away energy healing, something everyone is capable of. mc is actually a symptom as much of a cause, imo. most people simply haven't worked on developing their consciousness and take it as a given that they are conscious. once you're aware of this though, it gets a little repetitive in my experience, though consciousness is an ongoing practice. i really like jason christoff as well, but i don't need to be convinced that the use of language and structure imprisons, i believe it already. how to root out self-sabotage is another question. so, my questions are centred around what can be done to counter this in practical terms. doctors are indoctrinated. so many live in apart-ments and con-dominiums. the political process is for the most part a total fraud. is trump the good guy? pierre? ummm...believe it when i see it. as gurdjieff (who taught esoteric christianity) said, the leaders will never provide solutions. it must come from the people. then my old gurdjieff group all went and got v'd. some of the people who have done the most work on consciousness i know- they're all old, but still- i wasn't as surprised as i might have been, as they never wanted to hear about the c-trails either right before their eyes. few people i know who meditate are aware of the scope or willing to do anything about it. few of the freedom/truth people i know meditate much or are really into proactive health practices. oh well.... i don't think gurdjieff would have been under any illusions.

trust me, i can pay attention at 2x. more so than regular speed a lot of the time. i slow it down when there is stuff that is relevant and rewind as many times as necessary to fully absorb it. i find that happens on gtw often enough. when it's repeated information, it usually isn't worth my time as there is simply too much to take in. i didn't find there was much new in mark's presentation at the greater reset and too much railing. i'm not saying he gives no solutions, just not in that presentation that were useful for me, imo. i have considered starting a podcast as he says, but there are so many. i may yet. many people say i should. at present, talking with people one on one or in small groups has greater impact, imo. some of the councillors here go and look up what i say. will they believe it if i tell them they are mind-controlled? they have to come to the full cognitive dissonance in their own way. i'm not even saying i'm not subject to it to some degree. hard not to fall prey to the hopelessness at times. but as i say, i will check him out again.

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thanks lisa, looks like a good starting point. the expression in the cob house building world is your house needs a good hat and a good pair of boots- hat, roof, boots, foundation, obviously. the metaphor i will leave to you. i will add, having done enough building, including the most viewed and public modern cob building, that not only is it the foundation, but the work below ground to stabilize the soil and ensure there will be proper drainage, etc which is foundational as well. then having all the necessary resources and other supporting factors- zoning, etc. factor in the bad info and mediocre actors and a lot of time gets spent just sorting out practical details and sifting stupidity. sadly that path is on hold for me for the last 20 years. hence the manual to help others (and me) with some guideposts by which to potentially steer. i am exploring the common law applications to freeing the physical being at scratch the surface levels. still, it gets complicated driving around without a license plate on your car. some have managed, but the time to get there and getting pulled over and harassed all the time may not be worth the energy they will cost you. then there is insurance should someone hit you, or worse still you hit someone. morality and mind/soul is where it starts. bringing it to the everyday in any practical format is quite challenging in my experience. i guess christopher james is the go-to guy here in canada on that one. beyond the do unto others and be your best self, there is a lot of...which path makes the most sense now for me. as what many have described as an old soul, i find it a little tiring/boring to be contending with the utter pointless stupidity of the misleaders and power structures that be. or is that evil? not to say i'm so great, but when the local building department won't let you use a rain collection barrel on the downspout of your building 200 yds from the body of salt water when "sea levels are rising at catastrophic rates", well, the mayor and half the councillors look pretty...something. at the local council meetings that i go speak at, pointing out the logical inconsistencies they adhere to, i sing them a song, read them a quote (thomas paine-on common sense most recently), pretty much blow their somewhat limited minds and extremely limited foundational first principles out of the water. the 3 councillors that have some sense love it. the others look like chickens at a hypnosis show. for me, it's pretty much a toastmasters experience...but seems like someone has to throw an hour or two at it. https://stanleyparkvan.com/photos2/stanley-park-van-02184-cob-house.jpg

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i will check the links. until i see what you are getting at there may not be much point in commenting. what i am referring to is societal structure and the strictures of time and relevant priorities. there are many paths. there is only so much time and other resources. seems to me the more resources one has independent of time, the more one can learn, to perhaps find first principles and apply the learning. one may be able to make radical change in oneself. i know i have. on the other hand, unless one can become a community that grows to become large enough to impact societal change, one is still to some degree trapped or at least limited within the confines of the ongoing and up to potential worst case scenario- police state. i haven't found too many people able to have the desire or ability to even attempt change of any great magnitude. as such, most don't even want to listen whatsoever. i guess i see people needing a lot of intermediary steps before some kind of spontaneous order can emerge barring something catastrophic. those events like in 1177bc tend to set humanity back technologically by many, many generations. back might be better than extinct. not sure on that one, though the potential nibiru timeline is not much more than 3500years, so if it is a thing, there is not much more than a couple/few centuries until the next calamity, if not sooner. i would say that most people don't respond to logic or reason of any kind of first principles other than convenience and comfort presently. many reasons for this. anyhow, i'll check the links as time allows. i already online research health at least 15 hours a week, truth/freedom/events 15 hours/wk, read books at least 5hrs/wk (atomic habits/breath and supergut atm), cook and eat 15 hours/wk, various practices 15hrs/wk, physical activity 5-15hrs/wk and work and rest in most of the empty spaces. so many bread crumbs to follow... quite some progress.... good thing i gave up hollywood many years ago... then there is the potential mystery overheating head gasket issue that has the vehicle on rad #3 and the not sure how many trips to the garage, not to mention the 9th of various water leaks in the suite here in less than 2 years and the.... thank god i don't have kids....

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